Quick EFT Tapping Therapy for Stress Relief

If you need stress relief and FAST, try this quick EFT tapping process.


In order to stay in your mojo, you've got to manage the contraction of your energy field that is created when you are experiencing anxiety, or have a fearful thought ("I'll never be able to pay that car bill this week!") , see something that scares you (a car accident) , overhear something that freaks you out ("Did you hear that they are going to lay off 12 people from the department next month?")  etc. etc.

Life throws us zingers and energy crunchers all the time. Having a tool to neutralize unwanted and uncomfortable energies and thoughts is a game changer for staying in action with traction.  When our energy field is contracted with worry, we can't manifest things very powerfully with the Law of Attraction. Our magnetism is compromised for good things and is amplified for unwanted things, and who wants THAT?

Here's a quick video tutorial for how to use EFT in a fast way that doesn't require all that fancy wording that people get all flustered about.

Grab a fear that you have, and try it out and see how much better you feel after tapping along with me.  It's a great way to get fast stress relief. 


Another way is to grab my free anxiety breakthrough jumpstart below. This powerful anxiety-busting, confidence-building 2-part audio program works with your brain, energy and mindset. Turn from panicky to powerful and peaceful.


Bambi Thompson is a brain coach for anxiety transformation and success acceleration. She teaches entrepreneurial women how to leverage brain science, mindset, the human energy body, and the Law of Attraction to dismantle limitation and unleash power, confidence, and momentum.

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